
3D scanners for bio-metric measurements.


Biometric detection in the medical field for 3D limb reconstruction.


3D reconstruction of limbs and anatomical parts with an accuracy down to 0.3 mm.


3D scanning;GPGPU computing; embedded system; machine vision.


In various medical applications, there is a need for accurate reconstruction of shape and size of limbs and anatomical parts. Existing solutions allow reconstructions with very high accuracy (0.01 mm) at high installation and maintenance costs. 


E-FIT è uno scanner 3D per rilevazioni biometriche che permette di ricostruire istantaneamente modelli digitali di arti e parti anatomiche anche in movimento con una precisione fino a 0,3 mm e di estrarre automaticamente misure biometriche rilevanti. 
Il sistema, alimentato a batteria, è ultra-compatto e trasportabile con facilità e non richiede particolare manutenzione. 

S&H performed all product development, including the definition and ideation, hardware and software design, prototyping, manufacturing, and testing in the field.

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S&h has carried out projects in collaboration with leading universities and companies, including: CERN, University of Milan, Milan Polytechnic, BRIN and Studio Palmanova 28.