Artificial intelligence system for quality control in industry.


Visual inspection of complex products such as electrical cabinets, pipelines, tires, clothing, textiles, food.


Automating visual quality control, saving time and costs, and reducing the amount of data needed to make machinery exercise a task.


Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, few-shot learning.


Per imparare a svolgere un’attività alla perfezione, dall’ottimizzazione delle reti di energia al controllo qualità di massima precisione dei prodotti industriali, le macchine gestite dall’intelligenza artificiale devono prima esercitarsi utilizzando enormi quantità di dati di controllo.
Per molti settori industriali è difficile raccogliere ed etichettare ingenti quantità di dati, sia perché mancanti sia perché l’operazione richiede tanto tempo e costi elevati.


AIQI Artificial Intelligence for Quality Inspection is a new technology for the visual inspection of industrial products, which enables the system to learn to recognize defects and anomalies after practicing with little available data, thanks to few-shot learning and one-shot learning techniques developedin collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano.

S&H performed all product development, including the definition and ideation, hardware and software design, prototyping, production, and field testing.

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S&h has carried out projects in collaboration with leading universities and companies, including: CERN, University of Milan, Milan Polytechnic, BRIN and Studio Palmanova 28.